Tuesday, August 30, 2011

First thoughts on this blog

Thoughts - they will eventually evolve into words, words will slowly transform into actions - these actions will begin to morph into your habits, habits that will define your character and thus your character will determine the outcome of your already predestined fate.

Okay, I know. It might be quite far-fetched if you consider this only being a first blog post, but still, you too would want it to start right, right? I want to start this properly, I want this to have a loyal basis of readers who will immediately pledge alliance upon glimpsing across the pixels on their glaring screens in awe, realizing what precise observations will await them in further reading of this blog, what crude humor they can't help but laugh about, how these virtual pearls of wisdom in form of regularly written online-articles will one day inspire the masses and in the end guide the world to being a better, more thoughtful and less ignorant place. Pretentious? Maybe. Impossible? Definitely. But like that funky-looking Portuguese-American guy from Journey once sang out loud - don't stop believing.

While some people are prudently proclaiming "Blog is dead"; irregular, non-law-abiding citizens as myself - whose idea of revolution acts on the maxim of "More library, less McDonalds" - have just acquired one more reason to start a blog. It's just so much easier to crap out 140 characters max, ignoring posts of fully-composed, elaborate opinions; full words and complete English sentences; but rather just rewarding those attention-deprived and intellectually-extreme-challenged generations we like to call "Generation Y" or "Millennial Generation" - of which I, sadly, belong to. Sharing randoms thoughts in public, being read by a large group of anonymous social media users (or sometimes, ironically, nobody but yourself (and of course those schmocks compiling "safety backups" of your data)) is just massively popular nowadays. Just stating the obvious....

Facebook of course takes it to another level (just like in terms of privacy and meaningful use of recreation - I even went far enough to consider writing "of life at general", but I often digress): Your totally useless, random "thoughts" (pardon me for violating the definition of this word) can be enriched with even more media types, videos for example. Your bag of chips is sadly empty? Yeah, tell us more, Mr./Mrs./Ms. Interesting! You're going to the urologist? Great! Tell the whole world! Your father just beat up your mother over that long-due divorce suit? AWESOME! Just make sure you end the sentence with a smiley and a minimum number of five exclamation-marks (a few "1"s sprinkled in between wouldn't do damage either).

Is blogging played-out? Is "blog dead"? I don't think so. Those arbiters of modern, virtual culture mentioned before (Gen Y & Millenials) have already fully drifted towards Facebook & Twitter, while we bloggers, writing in the hopes of influencing others, in the hopes of quenching that inexplicable, almost unbearable thirst of getting their own opinions out into the world, just shouldn't give a damn. Well, 'xcept when writing about it.

There's so much more to life, and blogs can let us talk about it in a meaningful and hopefully interesting way. So, let this post set the tone for the rest of the blog. Thanks for reading, and I'd like to coin the term "post-postmodern attention deficit" before publishing this post, if that is possible. And yes, you're welcome.

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